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Critical friend review of your draft application


[10 January 2024] The competition window for Wave 2.2 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund currently open. To help you develop a high-quality application, the SHRA service is here to give a ‘critical friend review’ of your drafted application form before the end of the bid window. 


    Please note: this news article is from an archive, and may now include information, references or terminology that is out of date. Please refer to the main sections of this website for latest information.

    The competition window for Wave 2.2 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund is set to close on 31st January but you still have time to gain support. Through our experience supporting bidders in SHDF Wave 2.1, our team has gained a wealth of insight into what makes a strong, deliverable bid.

    To help you develop a high-quality application, the SHRA service is here to give a ‘critical friend review’ of your drafted application form before the end of the bid window.

    How does it work?

    We are booking in bidders for critical friend reviews. We will read through your completed application form and give you feedback on how well we think it complies with the funding policy and guidance. We will also give recommendations where we think some extra detail is needed.

    How do I receive a critical friend review?

    If you have a support manager, please let them know as soon as possible when you’d like them to read your application form. They will agree a specific date when we need to receive your application form and a date when you will receive feedback. We recommend you give yourself enough time to act on our feedback before the bid window closes.

    If you have not engaged with the SHRA bid support team and do not have a support manager, you can still receive a critical friend review. Contact us at so that we can book in a date with you.

    Why do I need to book a specific date?

    We need to manage our resources and our diaries so that we can continue to provide support to all of our bidders. By booking a specific date with us, you will allow us to assign a ‘critical friend’ reviewer, book the time in their diary and give them sufficient scope to read and respond to your documentation.

    Can I query your feedback?

    If our feedback is unclear or needs extra explanation, we are happy to provide this, noting the limitations on our resources and the need to provide critical friend reviews for many other bidders in a very short timescale.

    What if I don’t agree with your feedback?

    This may happen. We cannot tell you if your bid will gain funding - that is the job of the SHDF assessors when they evaluate your application form after submission. Our review will act as a fresh pair of eyes and will provide recommendations for improvements that we believe are necessary, including if your application complies with the requirement of the guidance. It is up to you how you act on our feedback and recommendations.

    Can I receive more than one review?

    For Wave 2.2 we are able to offer more than one review per proposed bid. The limitation as noted above is booking this in advance so that we and you can make the most of the feedback provided.

    What’s the earliest I can receive a review?

    We are currently undertaking critical friend reviews for Wave 2.2. If you think you’re in a position where you have a well-drafted application form (including all appendices or ancillary documents). If appropriate we can review your ancillary documents independently of you application. Please do contact us to book in your review and plan how to progress. 

    How do I submit the Wave 2.2 application?

    Before applying, make sure you have reached out to the SHRA team for support and have checked for the latest government information, which can be found here: Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund: Wave 2.2 (

    Applications must be submitted using the Application Portal. You will be asked to create an account. To create an account, go to the Salix website, and click “Login” on the main menu drop down. This will take you to the Application Portal login page, where you can create an account by clicking “Click here to register”. At this point you will be able to enter your account details including your name, email address and the organisation you work for. Then click “Register” and your account will be created.

    The Lead Applicant must submit applications as defined in Section 2.1. All completed application forms and required attachments must be submitted by 23:59 on the bid submission deadline day – 31 January 2024 . Proposals received after the application deadline will not be considered.


    Contact us at so that we can book in a review date with you.

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