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Is your organisation Retrofit Ready?


[14 March 2023] At least 15 million homes in England are in need of some degree of retrofit to bring them up to a good standard, both in terms of energy efficiency and residents’ quality of life.

The SHRA’s newest, fully-funded offering is targeted at housing associations and councils who have never bid for the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.


    Please note: this news article is from an archive, and may now include information, references or terminology that is out of date. Please refer to the main sections of this website for latest information.

    The free retrofit strategy consultancy service will support you to understand the barriers to retrofit in your organisation, how to overcome them, and co-create with you a high-level strategy towards future retrofit delivery and funding opportunities.

    The benefit for you is that you can start to integrate decarbonisation and retrofit into existing priorities, like mould & damp, asset renewals and fire safety work.

    Unlock your ambition

    There are hundreds of small to medium sized housing associations like yours that account for millions of homes across England, many of which will need retrofitting before 2030.

    There are many reasons why retrofit may not be at the top of your organisation’s agenda, despite an ambitious commitment to doing your bit to tackle fuel poverty and the climate emergency.

    As part of the SHDF bidding process, the SHRA team supported over 300 organisations like yours to upskill and prepare bids worth hundreds of millions of pounds – giving us valuable insights into the blockers you face and how to overcome them. We will draw upon this expertise to unlock your potential, regardless of where you are on your decarbonisation journey.

    Rethinking retrofit

    Retrofitting your existing homes doesn’t just mean reducing energy bills, though that is important.

    We share your commitment to providing high quality, efficient homes for social housing residents, and retrofitting can, if considered in the round, support your organisation in tackling damp and mould, fire safety remediation, and cyclical maintenance, as well as improving wellbeing and health outcomes.

    The SHRA service will help you join up the dots and produce a strategy that can seamlessly sit alongside your existing strategic priorities.

    Our approach

    Our tailored approach to kickstarting your first steps towards retrofit follows a simple four step process.

    Our support is designed to align with your existing teams and be efficient. In order to give you the most value out of the service, we will require a defined commitment from the organisation in terms of time and senior buy-in – this can be discussed and defined at an early stage.

    Find out more and sign up

    The expert SHRA team is waiting to hear from you. We want to help you to take the first significant steps towards retrofit, regardless of your current readiness, capability or resources.

    If you are interested in finding out more or signing up for free support, fill in our quick registration form.

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