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RISE self-assessment - the first step to access one to one support for your Warm Homes application


If you are beginning to prepare your application to either the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund or the Warm Homes: Local Grant, there is a quick and simple first step that you must take to be able to access RISE’s one to one support; completing the RISE self-assessment form





    What is the RISE self-assessment?

    The RISE self-assessment is a short on-line questionnaire, designed to help the RISE support team identify what help and guidance might best suit you. You can complete the form ‘where you are’ right now – there may be questions that you can’t answer fully yet, and that’s okay. The idea is to capture as much as you know about your future retrofit programme, to enable the RISE support team to better understand the help that you may need.

    How do I complete the self-assessment?

    The self-assessment is an online form, and you can access it here. You do not have to complete the form all in one go; you can return to the form to complete it at another time.

    What kind of questions are asked?

    The self-assessment includes questions about your organisation, the geography that you cover and your experience applying for funding for retrofit projects in the past. It also asks a number of questions to help the RISE team assess your ‘maturity’ when it comes to retrofit planning and funding applications. These questions ask you to share how far along you are in terms of things like your organisational retrofit strategy, how well prepared you think your delivery team is, how well developed your supply chain is and whether you already have plans for data gathering and analysis, resident engagement or monitoring in place.

    There are no right or wrong answers to these questions, but the responses enable the team to plan support that will be most useful to you.

    Do the answers I give influence any future funding bid that I submit?

    The self-assessment form is not part of the application to the Warm Homes schemes. However, by completing the self-assessment you are taking the first step towards accessing support and resources that could ultimately lead to you develop a much stronger funding application.

    Do I need lots of detail about my retrofit plans before I can complete the form?

    You may have some information about the scale of your intended programme, your estimated funding requirements or your approaches to things like procurement of your supply chain, and the more information you can share at this stage the more tailored the support that is offered through RISE can be. However, it’s also fine if you’re not at that stage yet; just include the information that you do have.

    What happens once I’ve submitted a self-assessment?

    If you are eligible for one to one support, a RISE support manager will give you call, to delve deeper into your retrofit project. This is your chance to get to know the RISE team and find out how we can help.

    Following that call, a RISE support manager will create an overview report with a tailored support plan for you. From that point, support can include a wide range of things, for example support with your data sourcing and analysis, archetype matchmaking if you have any ‘hard to decarbonise’ properties within your stock, a critical friend review of your draft applications.


    Complete the self-assessment form now to access all the support that RISE can offer, completely free, for your Warm Homes applications.



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