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Warm Homes: How RISE can support your funding requests to the Warm Homes schemes



On 23 September 2024, the Secretary of State for Energy Security & Net Zero, Ed Miliband announced the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund - formerly known as the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund - and the Warm Homes: Local Grant -formerly known as the Home Upgrade Grant (HUG).





    Both of these schemes kick start delivery of the Government’s Warm Homes Plan, which will transform homes across England by making them cleaner and cheaper to run, from installing new insulation to rolling our solar panels and heat pumps.

    Wave 3 of The Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund, announced on the 23 September, will open the week commencing 30 September, and will close on midday Monday 25 November 2024.

    The Warm Homes: Local Grant is expected to open for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) later in the year.

    Retrofit Information, Support and Expertise (RISE) is the only Government funded support service for both the Warm Homes schemes, and RISE is here to support you through every step of your planning and Warm Homes Schemes application.

     About the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund

    The Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund (WH:SHF)  will replace the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund. Wave 3 of the WH:SHF will upgrade thousands of social homes falling below the standard of EPC C - with measures including insulation, double glazing and heat pumps, cutting bills and tackling fuel poverty. For the first time ever, all applications that meet minimum requirements will receive some funding, with a new expedited pathway for organisations that have a track record of successful delivery. 

    Guidance for Wave 3 of the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund - which opens for funding requests in the week commencing 30 September 2024 - can be found here

    About Warm Homes: Local Grant

    The Warm Homes: Local Grant (WH:LG), to be delivered by eligible Local Authorities, will fund energy performance upgrades and the installation of cleaner heating for low-income households living in the worst quality, privately owned homes in England. This will be available to all fuel types – from homes heated by gas to those using electricity, oil or coal. Local Authorities can now access guidance to prepare for the upcoming expression of interest window opening in October.  

    How RISE can support you with your Warm Homes applications

    Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to start preparing and building partnerships now. RISE is the free support service fully funded by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). RISE provides training, guidance, and support to help social housing providers, local authorities, and their supply chain plan and deliver successful domestic retrofit programmes. 


    What next?

    1.     Register now for one of the upcoming RISE Warm Homes webinars

    These webinars will include an overview of final scheme guidance and policy changes, funding request routes, eligibility requirements, and the free support available to housing providers through RISE.

    The Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund webinars can be found here.

    The Warm Homes: Local Grant webinars can be found here.


    2.     Complete the RISE self assessment online.

    Filling out the RISE self-assessment is the first step towards accessing one to one, tailored support from the RISE technical support team. The self-assessment takes no more than 10-15mins to complete, and it enables the RISE technical support team to identify your needs and develop a support plan tailored to your specific Warm Homes funding request. 


    3.     Explore the Warm Homes learning and development offer

    RISE has launched a comprehensive programme of Warm Homes Masterclasses and in-person bootcamp events to support you with your Warm Homes funding request. You can explore and book onto any of these free, expert led sessions here. 





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