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SHDF success stories | Gravesham Borough Council


[20 October 2022] Residents of Gravesham Borough Council share their experiences of the transformational retrofit improvements made to their homes with funding from Wave 1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund.


    After a retrofit project funded by Wave 1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, Gravesham Borough Council residents are looking forward to reduced energy bills this winter.  The council received £800,000 toward the £1.6m project from SHDF Wave 1, which has been used to improve the energy efficiency of 364 council-owned properties. 

    Olugbenga's story

    Mr Olugbenga Ogundare lives with his family in a three-bedroom terraced house in Northfleet, Gravesend.  

    Improvements to his home by Gravesham Borough Council included loft insulation and ventilation in his bathroom and kitchen, with work taking just over a month. 

    “We’re going to feel the difference in the winter, and that’s not the only improvement – in the warmer months the house can get very hot upstairs, so the work helped our home stay cooler in the summer as well. 

    “The house stays cooler in the summer, and will be warmer in the winter, which is great”. 

    “It’s going to be really helpful in reducing our gas bill, so I would recommend the retrofit works to anybody else that was considering it – it’s been a great experience.”  

    Sidonie's story

    Sidonie Gander lives in a three-bedroom semi-detached house in Gravesend.

    Retrofit work carried out to her home included loft and cavity wall insulation, new ventilation systems, and other measures to improve the airflow throughout the house.

    “The work was completed quite quickly, in only a few weeks. The installation of the loft and cavity wall insulation itself only took a few hours – the cavity wall insulation was all external, which meant there was no disruption at all.

    “We noticed straight away that the vents and fans were working a lot better.

    "We’re looking forward to seeing a real difference in the winter."

    “It’s been really good – we were very happy to have the improvements offered to us, and we’re looking forward to seeing a real difference in the winter. I’d 100% recommend the retrofit works to family, friends or neighbours.”

    Find out more about the support on offer through the Social Housing Retrofit Accelerator.

    Samantha's story

    Samantha Dadswell lives with her family in a three-bedroom semi-detached house in Gravesend.


    The family had loft and cavity wall insulation installed by Gravesham Borough Council, along with ventilation throughout the house.

    The council were able to be flexible around Samantha’s work schedule, with the improvements on her home completed within the month.


    “The retrofit work was totally worth getting done, and should save us in the long run.”

    “The house already feels less cold upstairs, especially with the loft hatch down.  We haven’t had to the put the heating on yet, and we’re hoping it will be this easy during the winter."

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