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A wide range of key information and expert advice is provided via a comprehensive series of on-demand masterclasses and insightful online events. We’re adding new content all the time, so please check back regularly for the latest updates.


Software Modelling for Social Housing Retrofit

An overview of how software can be used to help develop your programme, with insight into the different types of software that are available and how to select the right software for your programme.

Customisation of insulation | SHRA Masterclass

Jon Moorhouse, Research Director of Constructive Thinking shares how he tackled deep customisation of external wall insulation to Wimpey no-fines properties on the Grey Mare Lane Estate in Manchester.

Department for Energy Security and Net Zero | Social Media Marketing Webinar

This webinar hosted by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is designed to help local authorities increase their social media presence and get the best out of marketing through social media.

Effective Storytelling for Housing Retrofit | SHRA Masterclass

How to tell the story of your programme to galvanise support from senior leadership, install confidence in your team, and encourage buy-in from residents.

Engaging Tenants with Heating Technology | SHRA Masterclass

This masterclass will look at best practices to ensure residents understand how to use any new heating technology installations.

Data and Product Identification | RISE Masterclass

This Masterclass helps you to use data to understand the performance of your housing stock and why that is needed for product identification.

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