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A wide range of key information and expert advice is provided via a comprehensive series of on-demand masterclasses and insightful online events. We’re adding new content all the time, so please check back regularly for the latest updates.


Digitalisation in retrofit with Fairhive Housing

Fairhive Housing and Switchee discuss how digital tools can be used in retrofit projects.

Warm Homes preparation with E.ON | RISE Masterclass

E.ON showcases their lessons learnt from delivery on SHDF schemes

Retrofitting block of flats and using cross funding with KSquared | RISE Masterclass

Francis Young, Associate Director of Ksquared discusses examples of retrofit projects with blocks of flats and cross-funding streams

The benefits and requirements of MCS certification | RISE Masterclass

Learn what’s required for certification and explore the technologies covered within Warm Homes.

Green Skills and teams for your Warm Homes project with GreenWorkx | RISE Masterclass

Learn how to build retrofit skills and bridge the green skills gap in your team with Greenworkx.

Skills and Team Building | RISE Masterclass

This session discusses the skills and capabilities your project needs. Identifying gaps in your capability and how to bridge them and keeping the team focused, aligned and delivering.

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