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A wide range of key information and expert advice is provided via a comprehensive series of on-demand masterclasses and insightful online events. We’re adding new content all the time, so please check back regularly for the latest updates.


Planning retrofit interventions and cost caps | RISE Masterclass

This masterclass provides a deep insight into planning retrofit interventions and cost caps for WH: SHF Wave 3 and Local Grant

Building up your project costings | RISE Masterclass

Developing project costs for retrofit interventions you will deploy in the project is one of the most technical and number-heavy tasks in the preparation phase. This masterclass will support housing associations and local authorities in building up their project costs for a retrofit project.

Fabric first and no regrets | RISE Masterclass

This beginner guide will provide an overview of how to develop a retrofit programme. It will set out a clear pathway for all elements of a retrofit programme starting from the initial business case through to programme development, delivery, handover, and post-works considerations.

HUG Lessons learned with Marches Energy Agency | RISE Masterclass

MEA runs free energy advice lines across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and Derby & Derbyshire. They also work with local authorities in the Marches, Derbyshire, and the Black Country to support the delivery of the HUG grant scheme. This Masterclass covers delivering resident engagement insights from delivery experience across HUG and similar schemes.

Embedding Social Value through the Supply Chain | RISE Masterclass

In this masterclass, we look into the integration of social value into retrofit projects by the Supply Chain. We will delve into the basics of social value, discussing how it can be incorporated, quantified, and tracked throughout the entire duration of retrofit projects.

A guide to Planning and Retrofit | RISE Masterclass

This masterclass will assist you navigate planning policy alongside your retrofit project

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