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A wide range of key information and expert advice is provided via a comprehensive series of on-demand masterclasses and insightful online events. We’re adding new content all the time, so please check back regularly for the latest updates.


Enhanced and Effective Landlord Engagement | HUG 2 Masterclass

Small private sector landlords can benefit from Home Upgrade Grant funding. Strong engagement with private landlords will be essential to draw their attention to seize this opportunity. In this masterclass we will help local authorities discover the most appropriate ways to reach and engage with landlords and encourage them to participate.

Optimising Resident Engagement for HUG 2 Programmes | HUG 2 Masterclass

The Home Upgrade Grant : Phase 2 (HUG 2) supports eligible private sector owners and tenants in off-gas, low-income households. This Masterclass will map methods to engage occupiers through every stage of the project, with best practice to help residents understand the Home Upgrade Grant process and the benefits of participation.

Successful Procurement for HUG 2 Delivery Programmes | HUG 2 Masterclass

This masterclass will guide you through a variety of procurement methods available to local authorities and key considerations specific to delivering funded works to privately owned properties. By understanding the steps and different approaches to procurement, this masterclass will help you to develop collaborative and effective working relationships with contractors to deliver best value and high quality outcomes.

Property Identification Resources | HUG 2

Targeted at improving EPC D-G, off-gas grid homes in England, this masterclass led by Gareth Clubb will take you through the policy and how to identify eligible homes in your area using readily available data

Toolkits and Guidance Packs | HUG 2 Hub Briefing

Toolkits and Guidance Packs provided by the Home Upgrade Hub will be an essential method to improve your HUG 2 application. This Masterclass will explain how to access and act on all of our upcoming toolkits whilst providing a space for questions.

Diagnostic and Support Plan | HUG 2 HUB Briefing

The BEIS fully funded and tailored support package, the Home Upgrade Hub, will use diagnostic calls to produce responsive support plans for Local Authorities. During this briefing, attendees will be guided through this process and explain why these methods are a key route to success.

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