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Data for Retrofit Projects Toolkit


Good quality data is the foundation for any retrofit project and developing good practices to manage and improve your data quality are valuable skills. Confidence in your underlying stock portfolio data will aid you in retrofit programme decisions and prioritisation of which homes you’ll target with which retrofit measures.



    Good quality data is the foundation for any retrofit project and developing good practices to manage and improve your data quality are valuable skills. Confidence in your underlying stock portfolio data will aid you in retrofit programme decisions and prioritisation of which homes you’ll target with which retrofit measures.

    Who should use the toolkit?

    This toolkit is relevant to senior management and all key project participants. It is particularly relevant for team members who manage your housing stock data and/or are focused on planning retrofit projects. The toolkit describes the recommended best practices for how to better manage your existing quality housing stock data. It will help you to:

    • Understand your current position on data governance and management, data quality and existing energy performance data

    • Understand how to:

    – Collect data
    – Aggregate data
    – Improve data quality
    – Calculate energy performance (baseline and expected)
    – Validate your data

    When should you use the toolkit?

    This toolkit should be used at the very start of planning a retrofit programme and you should refer to it as the programme develops. The data will help you to target and scope properties for your desired retrofit projects. Making data-led decisions will lead to the development of a strong business case.

    How should you use toolkit?

    • Level 1 – outlines current challenges, solutions, and processes around housing stock data

    • Level 2 – provides a framework for achieving good quality housing stock data

    • Level 3 – complete a self-assessment to understand your current state and understand what actions you can take

    Recommended process

    1. Read the information in Levels 1 and 2 to understand the toolkit basics
    2. Use Level 3 to help develop your own data strategy using the external resources, standards, templates, and reference documents


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